7 Techniques in 7 Days
Group guitar class taught by Mike Salow
1 hour per week · intermediate
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In this course we will break down and learn 7 important techniques for building your soloing chops in any style. We'll cover 1 technique per day and each session will run 1 to 1.5 hours. You'll get PDFs of all the licks, scales, arpeggios, and ideas that we cover in this course. Day 1: Legato Day 2: Alternate Picking Day 3: Economy Picking (directional picking) Day 4: Sweep Picking Day 5: Tapping Day 6: Hybrid Picking (chick'n pick'n) Day 7: Phrasing (bends, vibrato, slides, etc...)
What's included
4.98 · 25 students · 15 lessons
Legato | Day 1
Legato | Day 1
Legato (hammer ons & pull offs) is 1 of the easiest techniques to develop and use in any style of soloing. We'll go beyond just simple hammer ons & pull offs and dive deep into ways to develop smooth legato lines and sequences similar to the likes of Jason Becker, Steve Vai, Guthrie Govan, and many more.
Alternate Picking | Day 2
Alternate Picking | Day 2
Alternate picking is one of the most fundamental techniques whether you're playing rhythm or lead. During this class session we'll talk about right hand and pick placement to help optimize your picking. We'll also dive deep into building picking speed similar to the likes of John Petrucci, Paul Gilbert, and many more!
Economy Picking | Day 3
Economy Picking | Day 3
Economy (directional) picking is the juxtaposition of 2 techniques; Alternate picking and sweep picking. Although we use mostly alternate picking when economy picking we utilize the natural direction we are headed at any given moment to help ease the tension that might happen with strict alternate picking. When I think of economy picking I think Frank Gambale and many other greats!
Sweep Picking | Day 4
Sweep Picking | Day 4
Sweep picking is one of the most sought after techniques for those who want to shred! We'll talk about all of the applications of sweep picking (not just limited to shredding) and all of the various common patterns and arpeggio shapes. For those new to the technique we'll start the class with a break down of the technique.
Tapping | Day 5
Tapping | Day 5
Right up there with sweep picking, tapping is another sought after technique that shredders want to master. during this class session we'll discuss not only how to create smooth and connected tapping lines but we'll also cover how tapping can work hand in hand with legato and sweep picking licks you've already learned. You'll also see how tapping can help broaden your fretboard visualization..
Hybrid Picking | Day 6
Hybrid Picking | Day 6
Often referred to as "chick'n pick'n", hybrid picking is the act of using pick and fingers simultaneously or back to back. Hybrid picking is a massive part of my playing style and has helped me develop unique ways of approaching various licks and music phrases. We'll learn the fundamentals of this technique and how to apply throughout your playing.
Phrasing | Day 7
Phrasing | Day 7
Arguably the most important technique we'll be discussing is phrasing. This is where we learn how to make our instrument sound as musical as possible. If you can master the art of musical phrasing you will come off to your listeners (and fellow musicians) as a competent, experienced musician regardless of being able to show off any flashy fast licks.
Eric B.
Awesome course from a down to earth and well educated teacher. My knowledge of the fretboard and my improvisation have increased over the 8 weeks working with Mike. I highly recommend.
nothing. nose to the grindstone for his students.
I could hear Mike perfectly but I had a bad echo when the other students spoke. I use this same laptop for work calls all the time and don't have the same issue. Not sure what the issue is but I'll try headphones next time.
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