
Blues Guitar Improvisation

Group guitar class taught by Quist

8 lessons · 1 hour per week · intermediate

In this class you will learn everything you need to know to take your Blues guitar improvisation skills to the next level. You will learn scales, licks, a little music theory & some fun playing exercises - but most importantly you will learn how to build your actual PLAYING VOCABULARY as a guitar player, enabling you to better express yourself on the guitar and have way more fun jamming!

What's included

Video chat lessons

Learn and ask questions with Quist every week.

Lesson replays

Unlimited access to recordings from class.

Private community

Practice with people who share your love of guitar.

Taught by Quist
Teaching on Til since 2021

4.88 · 134 students · 41 lessons

Quist has spent the past decade performing all over the world, while simultaneously building his online "jam fam". Quist's jam tracks and improvisations have garnered 170 million views on youtube and helped build an inspiring community of musicians who share his passion for improvisation!
What you'll do


Scales are an invaluable tool for any improviser - and knowing just a few of them really well can go a long way.


Every guitar player loves a good lick - and licks can really help you break into more "meaningful" soloing. Practised with intent, licks represent a brilliant way to form your own language as a musician.

Music Theory

A basic understand of music theory can really free you up as a player. Sometimes a simple shift of perspective can take you from "not feeling it" to having the most fun and playing your best solo yet!


We will learn a number of exercises that build your ability to improvise - and to play more meaningful, coherent and melodic solos.

How to Practice

Practice tips and tricks - to help you build an inspiring playing vocabulary that not only will serve you in a multitude of jam scenarios, but also will make it TONS more fun playing that guitar!

Case Studies

For our case studies, we will look at several solos. We will analyze the material, learn it and feel the inspiration that new licks can bring - but MOST IMPORTANTLY, we will look at the best ways to apply everything we learn to our own playing.

Who you are
This class is for Intermediate guitar players. You can be a beginner at improvising and still be good to take this class. You'll need some basic guitar ability so you can play the scales and licks we will learn.
What to bring
Guitar. Metronome. Notepad or device.
4.9 (39 reviews)


April 2024·

Very complete course approach using scales, arpeggios and sequences together with the usual Blues tools: bends, vibrato, legato, finishing with case studies, offering in the end the basis to developp our own improvisation capabilities. Great course



April 2024·

I love Quist's passion for playing, teaching and sharing all things guitar. Awesome in every dimension. Take every opportunity to learn from him!



April 2024·

Well presented, materials were helpful and well published. A good basic introduction to the tools and techniques making the blues guitar sound like the blues.



April 2024·

Hey bro, love the classes. Wasn't able to do them live because of time constraints but its great to have them for review any time. I've learned some cool stuff that I use from you that I added to my thesaurus of blues knowledge. Thanks so much man! Awesome!!


Joel P.

April 2024·

Quist packed in tons of techniques and built on them week after week. Quist has the ability to bring new students along, building their confidence - while at the time he challenges more experienced players. I highly recommend this class!


Tom G.

April 2024·

The Essential Blues Guitar Techniques class focused on five techniques: legato, bending 1 & 2, vibrato 1 & 2, raking, double stops, and putting it all together. Each class had the same structure - scales, demonstration and practice of the technique to a backing track, and two case studies. Students are encouraged to practice the technique to a backing track while improvising and post their playing of the technique each week to the web site. Classmates and Quist will post comments about what you are doing well and what needs to improve. This web site did foster a community of like minded guitar players interested in helping others improve their playing. One needs to devote the time and effort to practicing each week in order to gain maximum benefit from the class. Quist has been blessed with a double talent of being an excellent guitar player and being an excellent teacher. Seeing and hearing Quist play sets a high standard. I had the Blues Improvisation class and I will gladly sign-up for a third class with Quist. Bandmates and friends all have remarked my timing, touch, and expression have improved. I still have a long way to go, but I now able to contribute to playing better solos on songs in my classic rock and roll band. Plus, I am better able to play guitar harmony solos with our lead guitar player.

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